PhD course in Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering

Call for application!

We are pleased to inform you that the general announcement of the XL cycle has been published on the web (in Italian and English).

About the course

Welcome to the site of the PhD course in Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering at the Enzo Ferrari Engineering Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

On this site you will find all the informations concerning the educational path, the training opportunities, the availability of PhD positions and everything concerning the course. If you do not find what you are looking for, you are welcome to send a query to the Contact section.

The curricula

It is important to underline the unity of the PhD proposal, in which the different paths are inserted, in a complementary way, in an interdisciplinary and interconnected path of innovation always inherent in sustainability.

To best achieve these objectives, the PhD is structured on 3 curricula: one dedicated to Civil Engineering topics, another focused on Environmental Engineering topics and a third focused on Materials Engineering topics.


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